New program: Piano2 & world premiere of new work by Peter Machajdík
This season we introduce a new program for two pianos – Piano2. Piano2 is an atlas of various compositional views of piano music over the last 60 years – a short period during which contemporary music has undergone many changes. The program consists of works by two Slovak and two foreign composers. We aim to present a cross-section of their different musical languages.
The name of the project hides the information that it is a double-piano concert. But it is also possible to see it as a reference to the sound aesthetics of one of the composers represented in the program – Morton Feldman, whose dynamic expression is in extremely low values. The recital also consist of a discussion with the artists about the works and about contemporary music as a whole.
As part of Piano2, we will present world premiere of Peter Machajik's new composition It's Not Not The Mist, which the author wrote for Cluster ensemble.
Program: Peter Machajdík – It’s Not The Mist (2018), Morton Feldman – Intermission No. 6 (1953), Daniel Matej – Always (1988), Steve Reich – Piano Phase (1967)
Performers: Ivan Šiller – klavír; Fero Király – klavír
Venues & dates:
Nov 7 – 1 PM – Bratislava (FB event)
Nov 27 – 11 AM – Strážske
Nov 28 – 5:30 PM – Košice (The concert will be part of Ars Nova 2018 festival. FB event)
Nov 29 – 2 PM – Topoľčany
Visual: Matej Lacko